Don't have the time to read a comic book but still want the intellectual stimulation? Go see a Marvel extravaganza stupid. Lots of stuff blowing up, fighting, and CGI!
Did I mention a complex plot and profound character development dialed in for you? You did finish schooling in the 8th grade. Yes?

For the fans
While it may not always curry favor with movie buffs and critics, the Disney-owned studio’s conscious effort to put not only the Deadpool threequel, but many of its other movies and shows in direct conversation with earlier content via in-jokes, easter eggs, and cameos makes a lot of commercial sense — especially given its growing lead as the biggest franchise of all time.
Since Iron Man first hit silver screens in 2008, the MCU has morphed into a blockbuster beast, pumping out 34 films in 16 years that have accrued a total global box office gross of more than $30 billion, as of this weekend. Even at the domestic box office, the latest Deadpool offering saw the franchise soar even further ahead of iconic, decades-spanning movie series like Star Wars and James Bond.