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Kass skewers the head of Homeland Sec our Border Czar?

Kass is, as usual, crushing it. Well done brother!

What he doesn't explain is why the Dem leadership opened our border in the first place and while Dem Mayors scream bloody murder for federal aid none call for a return to Trump policies where the border was secure and illegals were immediately returned to Mexico.

The best explanation I can provide is that Dems hoped that illegals would immediately become Democratic voters. In numerous states, you needn't have a Dr. Lic or proof of citizenship to vote and qualify for a host of social services.

Of course, this experiment has gone terribly wrong and Dems have only one solution, throw money at it. The idea of shutting the border tight is an anathema to them and will cost them the Presidency and seats in Congress.

Meanwhile, the flow of illegals continues as strong as ever. The buses will continue to bring our new friends North, although truth be told, 90-95% of illegals continue to reside in our border states who bear the brunt of this lunacy.


A Tale of Washington vs America: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

By John Kass

January 21, 2024

Consider the face of the supreme American bureaucrat of the most powerful federal city of the world, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

He might want to be considered a boss but his talents lay elsewhere. A boss is someone who takes direct action and extends his iron fists over the chessboard. A Stalin, a Richard J. Daley, Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall.

Mayorkas is not a hard man of hard history. He has soft hands. Rather than confront the issue and take direct action, he is bureaucratically passive. He passively destroys the country by not enforcing its border laws. And a country without borders is not a country.

This is his talent. Mayorkas’ superpower is the sin of omission. In this he is rather like an Ottoman eunuch hatched by Barack Obama.

Mayorkas is a smooth and hairless servant of those who have destroyed the American border. His inaction has allowed the Mexican drug cartels to illegally smuggle truckloads of the deadly Chinese-made poison fentanyl that have killed 100,000 young Americans. He has allowed tens of millions of illegal aliens to mock that non-existent border and invade America while demanding goods and services from American taxpayers.

He is a servant of the China Joe Biden administration. He takes orders. President Biden opened the border on his first day in office and what the American people see is no accident. It is all by design. Mayorkas has taken orders to preside over an invasion.

And though he laughs in the photo above, a haughty laugh through his nose, he is silent in the face of a grieving mother who hoped that Mayorkas would be confronted with evidence of his sins for the sake of justice.

Tammy Nobles, of Maryland, is the mother of a beautiful autistic daughter, Kayla Hamilton, who just turned 20. The young woman was was attacked, raped and strangled to death by one of Mayorkas’ illegal aliens. Her alleged attacker is a teen-aged member of the deadly and brutal MS-13 gang.

As the gangster awaits trial, Tammy Nobles awaited Mayorkas at his House impeachment hearing in Washington a few days ago. But Mayorkas in his arrogance, did not show up.

“She was brutally murdered and raped in her room, and he strangled her with the phone cord,” Nobles said on FOX News. “And then he just robbed her of $6, and he just left her on the floor like trash and went to lunch with his half-brother like nothing happened.”

This isn’t an isolated case. It happens all too frequently and the American people are more than angry. They are losing their country and someone will pay for it. The Democrats of course will pay but also the Combine Republicans, the RINOS like Sen. Mitch McConnell who would trade our American border security so the Defense Contractor lobbyists will smile upon him and his oily politics.

I feel a true insurrection coming on. Not some political stunt, but something that involves broken teeth and sobs and elitist media types holding their head in their hands, wondering what happened.

Political rats react to pressure. And ultimately, when there is nowhere to run whether that happens this election year or during the bloody French Revolution and the Jacobin Reign of Terror, they often turn on each other.

Partisan Democrats—fearful of granting any advantage to House Republicans—have tried to keep their distance from immigration and the border, more comfortable in playing the politics of race against white fragility.

But that’s changing as I and others have predicted, as Democrat constituencies including black Democrats put increasing pressure on big-city mayors while pouring their outrage upon President Joe Biden and his open-borders government.

Why is this fair? There is no “fair” in power politics.

Biden and his Democrats have created this immigration chaos, loudly and ostentatiously destroying policies that former President Donald Trump had put in place. Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy was killed in the first days of the Biden presidency.

Biden and his Democrats own this one, but not wholly and completely.

Consider another face. This one is the face of the bi-partisan Republican Washington Combine: U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky,

McConnell has been pushing the Senate on a deal for “border reform” linking aide to Ukraine and Israel. McConnell is the leading GOP advocate for supporting Ukraine and is under increased pressure with Ukraine’s troops running low on ammunition and weapons.

But Americans don’t want that deal. I don’t think most of us want harm to Ukraine, but funding that war just means more Ukrainians dead.

But I think of our needs, of our country demand attention. Not McConnell’s grand ambition or the Combine Senators cozying up to big business and the Chamber of Commerce demand for cheap labor.

Not at the expense of our country. Americans don’t want that kind of deal. Republican voters don’t want that kind of deal.

Our country is hurting. Illegal immigrants invited by Biden and the Democrats pour across the border by the millions. American schoolkids are displaced from their own classrooms, their own parks. Some Democrat politicians are suffering panic attacks for what they’ve done, and pressure is building against their Combine Republican partners, the RINOS of the Senate who are often called members of the “Uni Party.”

And now McConnell wants to make a deal and sell out our American border to protect the Ukrainian border? Insane.

They unleash the invaders who storm our borders and displace American kids from their schools and parks and I look at the haughty face of McConnell and I think of Mayorkas and another character who also belongs in this story: The Marquis St. Evermonde.

He is a French nobleman, a character from Dicken’s “A Tale of Two Cities.”

He would thrive in the Washington D.C. of the present day. His party? Himself.

McConnell is no French noble. He’s from Kentucky, famous for bourbon, fried chicken, legitimate Republican Sen. Rand Paul, and artisanal cured Kentucky country ham. But though McConnell was not nobly born he is a Washington grandee, king of the Washington establishment, the embodiment of everything that conservative Americans loathe about Washington politics.

In “A Tale of Two Cities,” St. Evermonde’s coach runs down a little boy in the streets of Paris. And in America, with the borders wide open, many young Americans have been run over and killed, not by coach horses perhaps, but by fentanyl and by criminal felons who take what they want when they want, and some take lives.

Like Tammy Nobles’ daughter, Kayla Hamilton, who I told you about at the top of this story. Like Katie Steinle whom you’ve forgotten, murdered by a repeat criminal illegal as she walked with her father in San Francisco holding her dad’s hand.


The parent mourns their child and the grandee, whether from Washington or France looks down their nose at what I suspect they would consider an inconvenience.

“It’s extraordinary to me that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children,” says Dicken’s St. Evremonde, who could have been channeling Mayorkas or McConnell. ” One or the other of you is forever in the way. How do you know what injury you might do to my horses?”

The haughtiness of Washington grandees is just like that of the French nobles before the Revolution.

I hope Americans can see this, can’t they?

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