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Kass thinks Hunter's Laptop is bigger than Watergate! WTF!

You mean Joe isn't a harmless senile old guy in the White House? I'm shocked.

Miranda Devine: Wakeup Call Coming for Americans Who’ve Been Lied to by Media

By John Kass

December 18, 2022

Miranda Devine, the New York Post columnist and author of the critically important book, “Laptop From Hell,” knows who President Joe Biden really is.

He’s not just that smiling fraud with the capped teeth, Joe wearing his aviator shades and eating ice cream as his crackhead bagman son Hunter scored millions in China and Ukraine. He’s not only the phony working class kid from Scranton, one of the ridiculous poses this congenital liar, fabulist and notorious plagiarist has told the American people for years.

Miranda Devine knows the real Joe Biden, the Biden that bought mansions and fine clothes and lived large on a government salary. He’s not really President Biden. I call him by another name:

President Grifter.

“So this is a guy (Joe Biden) who lives high on the hog, and he has this Tammany Hall style attitude to power and it is the Chicago Way,” Devine said on the Chicago Way podcast.

I’ve included the podcast link in the paragraph above so you may listen to her interview. I do hope you listen. After all, it’s your country.

There are many powerful interests in America that don’t want you to listen to Miranda Devine or read her book about the corruption of the Biden White House, corruption that now compromises the national security of the United States.

It is the book that illustrates the corruption of Big Tech and corruption of Big Media–corporate legacy media–that suppressed the New York Post’s stunning expose in October 2020 of that Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell.”

Big Corporate Media ignored the New York Post story, and willingly jumped to support a disinformation campaign on behalf of Joe Biden by 51 former intelligence “authorities” who suggested that the Biden Laptop stories were part of a Russia disinformation campaign to discredit the Biden presidential campaign. That turned out to be a lie.

Many corporate media journalists shamed themselves by ignoring the New York Post story. I worked at a paper that wouldn’t touch it, and when I’d write columns about the New York Post story I could feel a chill and hear the groans.

National Public Radio’s managing editor, Terrence Samuel, guaranteed he’ll leave an immortal legacy of NPR as National Jester Radio, the national broadcast clown car with this quote about why leftist NPR ignored the most important story in decades.

“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” Samuel said. “And quite frankly, that’s where we ended up, this was . . . a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.”

Of course you don’t. Shake that rattle stick Terry, the stick jesters often carry.

And now come the revelations of the “Twitter Files” that point directly to FBI involvement in suppressing those stories and censoring information as if we were living in some Orwellian nightmare.

But Corporate Media avoids mentioning of the “Twitter Files,” and the FBI isn’t interested.

You might ask yourselves: Why?

Why don’t they want you to pay attention to Devine and the revelations coming from the Twitter Files about the FBI’s role in censoring information before the vote in 2020, the American national police helping rig an election.

Why does the corporate legacy media avoid the “Twitter Files?”

Because they’re all in on it, that’s why.

And they think you’re all part of the placid American herd, chewing your cud as they drive you through the stockyard chutes down, to that last chute where the hook awaits.

This is far worse than Watergate. This one makes Watergate look like a birthday party for perfectly behaved 1st Graders from the Gilded Age, kids speaking like that gentle Hollywood child actor your great-grandma forgot. His name is Freddie Bartholomew, Little Lord Fauntleroy, if you’re interested.

Why should Americans read Devine’s book?

“So they’re not completely gobsmacked when the House starts holding hearing, and you see people testify under oath about the money coming from China and Ukraine and into the Biden Family coffers,” Devine said on the Chicago Way.

Gobsmacked indeed.

“I think it’s going to be a bit of a wakeup call for a lot of Americans who’ve been lied to and misinformed by their media organizations,” Devine said.

If you don’t think you’ve been lied to by corporate, legacy media on Biden corruption, then you’re hopeless and a fool. But you’re here, so I really don’t think you’re a willing chumbolone.

But Americans who only read the New York Times and the Washington Post, and watch only CNN and MSNBC, and CBS and ABC, and who stay obedient in the news silos of the left have no idea.

“They have no idea that this is a real story about corruption, the president of the United States who has been running this influence peddling scheme with his family for decades, who internationalized it when he was vice president, took millions of dollars from China, our greatest adversary, from Russia from Ukraine, you name it… and now he’s president.”

This is bigger than Watergate. The comparison to Watergate would have once made liberals uncomfortable. But liberals have disappeared. And Watergate became something of a Holy Grail story for the left, as journalists evolved from reporters of fact to high priests.

“Joe Biden lied during the campaign about his involvement in his son Hunter and his brother Jim’s overseas business dealing in which they took millions of dollars from our greatest adversary, China, not to mention Ukraine,” Devine said. “He lied about it when he said he knew nothing about it. Reams of evidence showing he did, and knowingly met with Hunter’s business partners in Washington. There is evidence on the laptop that he (the president) benefitted financially from comingled finances between hunter and his father, bills being paid, the email to his daughter saying, ‘you’re lucky you don’t have to give half of your salary to Pop.’

“Influence peddling is a bi-partisan disease in Washington, and Joe Biden is the best at it,” Devine said.

As he was being wined and dined by China–and many in Washington were sucking up after Chinese money–Biden was perfectly positioned. He was Sen. Joe Biden, D-MasterCard.

And what the “Twitter Files” reveal is that the FBI–the most powerful federal law enforcement agency in the world–was right in the middle of the censorship on behalf of Biden Inc.

James Baker was the top lawyer at the FBI, the top lawyer throughout all their (since discredited) Russia collusion stunts and dirty tricks to get rid of Donald Trump. And low and behold he shows up at Twitter as their general counsel,” Devine said.

According to the Twitter Files, Baker was pushing the Biden Inc. argument that the laptop story was hacked information, which it wasn’t. New Twitter owner Elon Musk fired him.

“If this were (the plot) of a John LeCarre espionage novel, you wouldn’t believe it,” she said.

“You cannot have a globalist company that has more power than the leader of the free world,” Devine said. “Twitter and Facebook were able to deplatform a sitting president of the United States and people didn’t care.”

The attitude among many–except Trump’s supporters–was “Who cares? It’s Donald Trump, he’s beyond the pale. But it’s Donald Trump today and it’s you know (fill in the name) of your favorite president tomorrow.”

By then there won’t be an American republic.

I keep thinking of what Miranda Devine said at the outset of our discussion, about Joe Bi eating high off the hog, with that Tammany Hall attitude of a politician using the government hammer to get rich.

The Washington Way is The Delaware Way is The Chicago Way.

And how did Biden’s boss, former President Barack Obama, not know this was going on?

Devine thinks Obama must have known. So do I. Biden was operating out of the Obama White House.

Biden is not unique. He’s a grifter. He flashes his capped teeth and flashes his blarney and his blah-blah-blah and sniffs some poor young woman’s hair and eats his ice cream and tells his fables. He’s been doing it for years. It’s big city Democrat corruption writ large. The difference is that he put his crackhead son out there as a bagman to deal with China, and China wants to kick America to the curb. Maybe you wouldn’t succeed under China rule. But guys like Biden would. He’d be a natural. Guys like Biden are supple that way.

I’ve seen grifters like Biden in Chicago. Any reporter in any big city has seen grifters like this. You can see them coming from miles away. They get rich playing the same game, speaking on behalf of the poor, while using the government hammer to leverage the big bucks. It is the way of the world and the humans with feet of clay who live in that world.

But they couldn’t succeed if they didn’t have protection from corporate, legacy media that shields them, just like the Chicago hack Jake Lingle shielded the violent baboon Al Capone. I don’t loathe crooked politicians as much as I loathe their mouthpieces and virtue signalers.

But President Grifter had more than a few journalistic hacks from the New York Times and the Washington Post, and MSNBC and CNN guarding his back, didn’t he?

He had Twitter. And Facebook. And according to the “Twitter Files” he had the benefit of the FBI working with Twitter to censor, isolate and diminish conservative voices who were in the way.

What the grifters of both parties in Washington count on is your indifference. They’ve been at it since Thomas Jefferson unleashed his own media hacks on John Adams and called Adams a hermaphrodite.

They form what I call the Bi-Partisan Combine. A combine chops everything down, even the weeds. They’ve destroyed Illinois, then Chicago, and Washington.

The corruption is out there for you to see, bigger than Watergate ever was, to read for yourself in Miranda Devine’s book on President Grifter and his bagman son, “The Laptop From Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, And The Dirty Secret The President Tried to Hide.”

It’s your republic, America. If you will keep it.

(Copyright 2022 John Kass)


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