Gen X, Y & Z now statistically gets the majority of their news on social media. Ergo by influencers looking for “engagement”.
Boomers are also “engaged” except by legacy media. In either space polarizing content gets more eyes. Prudent/reasonable doesn’t attract viewers.
I, on the other hand, filter through the bullsheet! BAM. Some stuff of interest:
Immigration: Once upon a time people came to this country to make a better life for themselves and contribute to our economy. Today’s migrants can’t hack it like their predecessors without massive public aid? We’re supposed to subsidize this stupidity while this nation’s poor and homeless are thrown to the back of the bus?
The Dems attack on Trump continues to strengthen his brand. Their calculus to either wound or throw Donald in jail has simply emboldened his supporters and fundraising. The party also fails to recognize that independents will run in the presidential election further tanking their chances. Biden may bow out for Gavin but either candidate is doomed to go down in flames leaving this nation’s helm in the hands of well…fricken Donald. I’m going to throw up. Will that translate to GOP wins in both houses? I wouldn’t count on it.
Our government continues to support losing military causes ramping up the carnage and harming innocents. The insistence that Ukraine fight the good fight has left that nation in ruins and exterminated a whole generation of the nation’s young to Putin’s meat grinder. Like Vietnam and Afghanistan, we’ll inevitably leave with our tails between our legs or as Nixon put it, achieving “peace with honor”.
Jews globally are forced to watch in horror as their representative government (yes, we have one) commits war crimes against innocent Palestinians whose lives are apparently worth less than ours. Of course, there are better ways to retaliate against Iran and its proxy Hamas than producing decades of new Jihad recruits. Meanwhile, administrations at Ivy League colleges don’t have the maturity to discuss the matter prudently or protect their Jewish students (while circling the wagons around the helpless woke).
Our newest cohort? There was a time when brilliant patriotic leaders ran this country. FDR, Truman, Marshall, and Eisenhower all helped the US produce what was properly named the “Greatest Generation” & kept the world free of Hilter & Imperial Japan. Many of today’s young belong to the “Coddled Generation”, forged out of COVID lockdowns and helicopter parents. Kids who suffer from chronic depression and skyrocketing suicide rates. Legions of poor saps who are accustomed to being isolated except for the addictive stimulus coming across their smartphones.
You may think I’m a pessimist, someone who worries our country has lost its way. On the contrary, America loses its way like clockwork and always manages to bounce back. Think things are tough now? How about during the Great Depression or the Vietnam War? People by almost every metric live better than in earlier decades.
Despite my dripping sarcasm, I’m ready to sing God Bless America! And for god’s sake don’t make America great again…just make America great. That was kind of offensive, wasn’t it? Sorry, bad Tommy.