Here's a quick overview (feel free to watch below for more details).
The US military has confirmed that the leaked documents are, in fact, authentic.
They appear to be from a briefing prepared for the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chaired by Gen Miley.
The documents indicate the kill ratio of Ukraine soldiers to Russian stands at 7 to 1. This contradicts the Administration's and Military's narrative (under oath) that the kill ratio is the opposite 1 to 7. Ergo, the Russians are wiping out the much smaller Ukrainian military force.
Ukraine's air defense system will be essentially zero by the end of May. Ergo the nation will be defenseless against artillery, drone, and rocket attacks.
This contradicts Def Secretary Austin's earlier statements this March (3/28), under oath testifying to Congress, that Ukraine has the upper hand and Russian capability is waning.
Still think this is going to end well for Ukraine? Biden's right to reject a cease-fire and the op to negotiate a peaceful resolution?