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If you ask Biden about inflation you are a "stupid son of a bitch". Not making this up!

Where does a news reporter get off asking a non "softball" question to our president. That's no way to speak to someone suffering from Alzheimers! That's just going to agitate him and lead to a violent outburst!

NEWS UPDATE(Tues morning): Joe calls to apologize for being a jackass! “He said, ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,’” Mr. Doocy told the host Sean Hannity. “We were talking about just, kind of, moving forward. And I made sure to tell him that I’m always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking, and he said, ‘You got to.’”

When Mr. Hannity pressed on whether Mr. Biden had apologized, Mr. Doocy laughed and demurred. “Sean, the world is on the brink of, like, World War III right now with all this stuff going on,” he said. “I appreciate that the president took a couple minutes out this evening while he was still at the desk to give me a call and clear the air.”

Honestly, when I refer to my readers as "stupid sons of bitches" it's not personal. I just think you're all clueless idiots.

President Biden calls Fox News’ Peter Doocy a vulgarity after question regarding inflation



JAN 24, 2022 AT 6:34 PM

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden responded to a question about inflation on Monday by calling a Fox News reporter a vulgarity.

The president was in the East Room of the White House for a meeting of his Competition Council, which is focused on changing regulations and enforcing laws to help consumers deal with high prices. Reporters in the room shouted a number of questions after Biden’s remarks.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Biden about inflation, which is at a nearly 40-year high and has hurt the president’s public approval. Doocy’s network has been relentlessly critical of Biden.

Doocy called out, “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”

Biden responded with sarcasm, “It’s a great asset — more inflation.” Then he shook his head and added, “What a stupid son of a bitch.”

His comments were captured on video and by the microphone in front of him. Doocy laughed it off in a subsequent appearance on his network, joking, “Nobody has fact-checked him yet and said it’s not true.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The White House has insisted repeatedly that it is focused on curbing inflation, with Biden reorienting his entire economic agenda around the issue. But the president has also shown a willingness to challenge a media that he deems to be too critical, especially Fox News and Doocy.

At his news conference last week, Biden said to Doocy with sarcasm, “You always ask me the nicest questions.”

“I have a whole binder full,” the reporter answered.

“I know you do,” Biden said. “None of them make a lot of sense to me. Fire away.”

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