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Kass on Harris's great speech last night


I gotta hand it to the Dems and Kamala. Great theater. She gave a wonderful stump speech reminicent of Obama in 2008. Of course Kass isn't buying the narrative. Should you?

DNC Host City Chicago: Murder Capital of America

By John Kass | Aug 23, 2024

At their national convention in Chicago, Democrats have been busy shoveling legitimate criticism about the Biden Harris administration into the Memory Hole:

The Democrat’s Open Borders are shoveled in there, and the 15 million illegal migrants who swamp the blue cities, taking resources from Americans.

And the Biden Harris inflation is stuffed into the Memory Hole too, inflation that drives food prices up and up so that many American families can’t afford Happy Meals for their kids.

But one more thing they’ve had trouble stuffing into the Memory Hole:

The bodies of Chicago’s murdered dead.

We know it now thanks to the independent research group The Chicago media isn’t much interested.

Chicago is the murder capital of the United States.

You might want to read the story. Here’s the link to the story written by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner:

The Democrat Party plays the race card at their national convention and so do the Chicago Democrats. They have no shame. Chicago has a thoroughly failed black mayor incapacitated by panic attacks, a black Cook County State’s Attorney, a black chief judge, a black police chief, a black Cook County board president who doubles as the woman who selects liberal judges, and still they’re hungry for more race cards. And the media thrills to it, and helps them and protects them.

Chicago is also the home of epic race hustler Jesse Jackson, famous for his Budweiser boycott and using his racist politics to leveraging his kids into a lucrative Budweiser beer distributorship. Chicago is also the home of former President Barack Obama, who met the notorious bagman Tony Rezko here.

Obama once tried to rise up and over the cheap race politics of Jackson by addressing the lack of fathers in what media calls “the black community,” but Jackson had a fit and Obama backed down. It was Jackson who hissed –on a FOX News hot mike –that Obama should be castrated like a hog. And Obama shut up about the father issue, or made it somewhat more palatable to Jackson and the race hustlers, and so Obama became a hustler himself. The Obamas who came into the presidency with nothing now sit on $75 million of real estate, the mansion in Washington and Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard for example, where illegal migrants were hugged and then pushed on buses and kicked out so quickly that their heads were spinning.

The Democrat race hustlers targeted police officers as enemies of the state, and argued that arresting violent offenders was racist because most of the offenders were minorities. And so, after decades of Democrat rule, after years of installing soft-on-crime prosecutors, soft-on-crime criminal judges, all of it directed by left wing Democrat boss Toni Preckwinkle, as Gov. Fat Boy ate his fears and was so terrified that he sucked up to black racists and BLM activists by getting rid of cash bail. And naturally, the predictable happened.

Since prosecutors didn’t prosecute, cops stopped making arrests. Killers kept getting released to kill again. Witnesses gave up wanting to talk. And predictably, the traditions of law-and-order in Chicago have broken down completely.

Democrats wanted black votes, and convinced black voters that law enforcement was racist. And they convinced angry white white women of the left that law enforcement was racist. And the victims of repeat violent offenders, many of them also women, were brushed aside.

We reap what we sow.

The great Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute explained must of this in her riveting essay “Chicago Crime and Democratic Values” in the Wall Street Journal before the convention.

“Over the four-day holiday weekend in Chicago, 19 people were fatally shot and more than 100 wounded by gunfire,” she wrote. “One of them, 8-year-old Bryson Orr, was killed along with two women in a drive-by shooting. This wasn’t unusual. On Memorial Day weekend, 10 people lost their lives to gun violence, including 5-year-old Reign Ware. On Father’s Day weekend, more than 70 people were shot and eight killed. The child victims this summer include 7-year-old Jai’Mani Amir Rivera, fatally shot in the chest while walking to a neighbor’s house on June 18. A 3-month-old boy named Jemimah—his parents, fearing for their safety, have kept the family name out of the news—was shot in the chest on July 27 while riding in a car and remains in critical condition. On Thursday, a 3-year-old boy was grazed by a bullet fired by an adversary of his father.”

The dead children are swept away in Chicago’s river of violence. Most of the victims are black and Latino. The race-baiting Democratic hacks got to play the race card for votes, portraying it all as white racism. But the victims who are also minorities. They don’t vote. And they’re impervious to racial politics. So they’re forgotten.

Those of us who care about crime in Chicago and the people who live there—bitter retired cops and broken-down Chicago reporters like me and retired assistant Cook County State’s Attorneys with ulcers–have few places to go.

We can’t go to the Chicago newspapers, which once covered crime as a public service.

But now the papers have gone woke. Much of Chicago print media won’t carry mug shots of alleged criminals—who are often released from jail before they go out and shoot others— because many criminals tend to be minorities and journalists are white and woke and afraid of leftist activists. And so they look for sand in which to bury their heads.

One place I go to find real news is to And another is the superbly reported crime news site, CWB Chicago.

There are many reasons why the rule of law has broken down in Chicago.

Some of you know why, others don’t. For those without a clue, you should know that left wing billionaire George Soros, whom I dared criticize when I was lead columnist at “the paper” had elected do-nothing Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

For criticizing Soros I was defamed and publicly humiliated by “the paper” and the neo-Marxist newspaper guild that controlled the newsroom.

What was my sin?

Writing the truth about my hometown. I asked a question: What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?

“The larger question is not about me, or the political left that hopes to silence people like me,” I said, “but about America and its young. Those of us targeted by cancel culture are not only victims. We are examples, as French revolutionaries once said, in order to encourage the others.

“Human beings do not wish to see themselves as cowards. They want to see themselves as heroes.

“And, as they are shaped and taught to fear even the slightest accusation of thought crime, they will not view themselves as weak for falling in line. Instead they will view themselves as virtuous. And that is the sin of it. Those who do not behave will be marginalized. But those who self-censor will be praised.”

I couldn’t take it. My stomach kept turning in disgust for what had happened to journalism and to the Chicago media. Once ‘the paper’ offered me a buyout I took it. If I had stayed, I’d have been stabbed in the back. And so I left and started my own website here, at Like the neo-Marxists keep chanting mindlessly at their Chicago convention, “We’re not going back.”


The inconvenient truths about Chicago and crime and lawlessness are obliterated as the Democrats and all their allies in corrupt corporate media. They hope all this will be forgotten because the Chicago media stuffs the inconvenient truths down into the Memory Hole.

“Democrat-led Chicago earned the disturbing title of America’s murder capital for the 12th year running in 2023 — as homicides have surged almost 50% from a decade ago, according to troubling data,” reported the New York Post. “At least 617 people were murdered across Chicago — where the Democratic National Convention kicks off Monday — in 2023, compared to 416 killed 10 years ago in 2013, recent statistics from the research group found.”

That kill count put Chicago ahead of every city in the country for the 12th year in a row — beating out Philadelphia’s 408 murders last year, and New York City’s 386 homicides.

If the Democrats were as interested in justice as they boast, they would have carved out a special evening of tribute for Boss Toni Preckwinkle and Kamala Harris’ Soros sister Kim Foxx.

But everyone in Chicago knows what the Democrats have done to them and for them. And one more thing about the host Democrat city.

If Soros Sister Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected in November, one thing is certain.

The Chicago Way becomes the American Way. God help us.



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