The most important person on Earth? Envelope please…Taylor Swift, who is the musical equivalent of a Marvel Comic Movie. Lucrative mediocrity for mass consumption.
Will folks be captivated by her 50 years hence (like Elvis)? Sure, like folks will be re-watching Iron Man (what a cinematic achievement). Does her influence match Little Richard’s or Tina Turner’s…don’t think so.
I’m not sure she’s the most important person walking the planet. No, that would be Kim Kardashian.
Of course, last year our most important person was a corrupt bullshit slinging pseudo dictator who poked the Bear a few too many times and snookered the West into an unwinnable proxy war. Our hero managed like Custer to lead his countrymen into a modern-day version of the Little Big Horn where over 600,000 have been slaughtered, countless more have been maimed and 10 million* of his citizens have been forced from their demolished homes.
Not sure Time Magazine got that one right either? The Spritzler Report, on the other hand, for over a year has been pitching fastballs, saying this war would end like Vietnam, Afghanistan, and our greatest hits.
As Henry Kissinger famously said, “Being an enemy of the United States is dangerous, but being a friend is lethal”.
So how’s does Time actually pick the Person of the Year…in their own words?
“TIME editors rely on a wide range of opinions when choosing the Person of the Year. The conversation begins in September, when every TIME employee is asked to pitch a candidate. Those ideas and many others are brought together in an all-staff meeting, where writers and editors have five minutes to persuade their colleagues...
The Person of the Year is officially "the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year." That may sound vague, but it’s surprising how helpful it can be to return to that simple description after a long debate. We see Person of the Year as a historical record. As Deputy Managing Editor Radhika Jones put it in 2013, "The pick also needs to have archival value. You need the sense that it will stand the test of time."